Opening Letter
It's been quite a interesting journey putting the newsletter together. It was hard keeping up with all the changes and directions.
The original idea was for an eight page issue to be out mid-to-late summer, to include short articles explaining different techniques and approaches of living closer to the earth.
Needless to say, the newsletter had a mind of its own. It grew into a 32 page magazine, and articles you sent in seemed to reflect more of the changes we all seem to be going through. The earth is beginning to speak very loudly, and people are reflecting those changes by experiencing a tremendous amount of personal growth. I hope you will choose to support the newsletter by sending your stories, poems, dreams, and ideas about what you would like to see. In the next issue we will have a "letters to the editor" section.
I would like to finish or start with a quote from Sun Bear:
"As you travel down the highways of life
May the state troopers be going the other way"
Enjoy the bumps .... Michael Pond (ed)
P.S. Don't forget to subscribe..
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