I hope this newsletter finds you happy and
healthy for this new year. I'd like
to take this opportunity to ask all of you that love Earth Mother to watch
closely those who may destroy it. Times
are getting difficult. The land is
being sold and raped to feed our failing economy.
The only way we can prevent the wholesale slaughter of the land is to
take an active stand for what we believe in and make this known to our elected
The world is made up of two types of
people: those who sit back and criticize, and those few people that ignore the
critics and do something. So please
be a doer, a watchdog, of the environment, and a help to those people who once
walked this great land living close to Nature and Nature's Ruler.
It was once said the farther man's feet are removed from the soil, the
less respect he has for living growing things.
Let's keep our feet close to the Mothering Power.
I would like you to join me this summer for
the Tracker School Reunion in Washington state and at the Tracker Farm.
Bring your own food and equipment and join us for a few days of seminars,
skills brushup, and good talk. Open
to Tracker School graduates and their families only.
Detailed information and dates will follow in the next newsletter.
All Good Medicine